Lose control: 5 Delegation Methods to Reduce Your Work Load While Getting Work Done

Can you relate? You’re doing work that you love to do and you’re thrilled with the growth your business has enjoyed thus far. The only problem is that you’re starting to feel like the walls are closing in and the air is getting thin. You seem to be losing hours in the day and the small details that you pride yourself on delivering to clients feel like they’re slipping.

If that’s you, then it just might be time to delegate. Here are 5 tips to help you make the transition to continued business health and growth through making the choice to lose control.

Identify what you hate to do.

What is the thing in your job that weighs you down and feels as fun as sitting on a brass tack? Start with that one thing. Use your network to find someone who excels at the task you hate and make a hire! 

Get Organized & Automate

Use software like Asana, Calendly, and/or Google Calendar to plan out what your days look like. If you start the day without a clear plan of what is most pressing, you may spend too much time on the wrong things or spend too many days working on an area of your business that does not require as much attention. 

Also, automating the core functions of your business can make your work-power feel like it’s being spread over several people! You don’t always have to write a new contract or design a brand new invoice. You don’t always have to copy and paste your email list every time you want to send an important update to your clients.

There are incredible programs out there that can do all of this work for you, make it easy, AND make it beautiful! Here are our favorites: Dubsado for a Client Relationship Management System and Flodesk to send beautiful, functional emails every time!

Complete the Company Assessment with Happy Teams

The Company Assessment helps you to have an objective, crystal clear view of where your blind spots are in your business. Completing the Company Assessment tells you exactly what your delegation needs are and can point you in the right direction for where to take your next steps. 

Do you feel like you need personalized, focused help before you jump into the Company Assessment? Coaching is a great place to start!

Decide how and where you need to hire

If you feel that you need help with the operational side of your business, it may be helpful to hire a Virtual Assistant to do the tasks that weigh you down. A company we love and have personally invested in, Chanel & Lee, has written an excellent article on this exact subject. You can find it here!

If you foresee your business growing by duplicating your craft, then hiring someone to learn and shadow you is a strong option. If you want to grow multiple areas of your business, consider hiring in the areas that you want to grow as you can afford additional team members. For example, if you are a copywriter and want to expand into social media content, consider hiring someone to help expand that area of your business. 

Allow professionals to help you.

Companies are available that can help you build your customer experience, track and manage your money, pay your taxes, create a social media plan, write content, market your business, and so much more. If there is an area where you don’t feel you can deliver a professional product that matches your brand, I would strongly recommend outsourcing to a professional who can help. If you decide to use a small business, then you are not only elevating the experience of your brand, but you are also helping to support a fellow company’s family. That’s what we call a win-win! 

Sometimes making the choice to delegate can be the best thing that you’ve ever done. Last week we talked about limiting beliefs, and feeling afraid to take that leap is normal. As you consider potentially delegating to save your sanity, ask yourself: “What good is on the other side of me taking this next step?”

Cheering you on, always!


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